What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent



Friday, September 1, 2023

EN — Interview from ION COJA to Larry Romanoff: “The Khazar Jews’ Plan for a One-World Government”

AUGUST 31, 2023      The Khazar Jews Plan for a One-World Government



“The Khazar Jews’ Plan for a  

One-World Government”




This Article in PDF



 Interview from ION COJA to Larry Romanoff

The interview is taken for the website with questions for Professor Larry Romanoff, coming from Professor Ion Coja as well as from CD, the external collaborator of the website

The website is a Romanian website of discussions and opinions of a nationalist nature contextualized to the international political scene. Many of the translated materials posted on the website originate from the website, belonging to Professor Larry Romanoff.

Professor Romanoff's writings have been translated into 32 languages, and his articles have been posted on over 150 foreign language news and political analysis sites and over 100 English language platforms. He was a professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, in the EMBA courses. Now we have the happy opportunity to interview this prolific and very kind author to answer some questions that concern both us and the readers of the https://IonCoja.rowebsite.

    • CD - But let's give Professor Ion Coja the floor for the questions he has for Professor Larry Romanoff.
    • IC - I was greatly pleased by your Lordship's response to accept this interview and I thank you for your kindness. Please, Professor Romanoff, make an overture - an opening for the subject of this interview.

LR - The most necessary introduction would be to emphasise that the Khazar Jews really do have a plan for a one-world government which will hold all the nations of the world in a kind of massive fascist dictatorship that will in turn be controlled exclusively by Jews. It has been easy in the past to dismiss this as a “conspiracy theory”, but the facts are solid and the evidence is everywhere. It hasn’t even been a secret. As early as 1950, James Warburg testified to the US Congress that “We shall have world government, whether we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” James was the son of Paul Warburg who was the father of the Jewish-owned US FED, and very active in promoting the Morgenthau plan for the permanent destruction of Germany after the Second World War. The main issues are then how this is to be achieved and what the landscape will look like at the end.

    • IC - Is there a conclave at the top of the Jewish congregation that also includes non-Jews? How does this conclave work?

LR - Yes, there is definitely a ‘conclave’ of the International Khazar Jews, and it exists in layers, centered on The City of London. Some speculation is necessary since this in an intensely private organisation and they do no publish staff lists. I am told there are 13 families who are at the core of this group, headed by a Rothschild who is generally deemed “The King of the Jews”. This is the heart of the Hydra. This group would contain several Rothschilds but the other names are not so easy to identify. It would likely contain a Sebag-Montefiori, a Sassoon, an Israel Moses Seif, perhaps one or two Warburgs – the usual names. These are also the people who own the US FED and the central banks of many other Western nations. It absolutely does not include any non-Jews.


According to the most reliable evidence I have available, this core is surrounded by a group of 300 men, all of whom know each other and who would be in frequent contact with those in the core. The membership of this group has never been accurately identified, but it would include major bankers and industrialists – those who own and control companies like Royal-Dutch Shell, Nestlé, Goldman Sachs and so on. It is this group that would receive instructions and policy from The City of London, formulate detailed policies, and transmit these to the next layer. This group acts as an effective insulator for those in the core, to keep the core totally anonymous, out of the media spotlight, and to ensure no connections can be made by the general public between the core and the resulting execution of policies.


The next layer is subject to even more speculation, but would likely number in the thousands of individuals. These are the people who would actively work for the execution of the determined policies and various international events such as the overthrow of the Ukraine government, the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria, and so on. It would prepare further detailed policies and tactics for dealing with Russia, China, Iran, and others, and would then pass these along to what would probably be “middle-men” and then to the final recipients who would carry out the policies. This would be to provide a further level of insulation. Henry Kissinger might be in this group.


There will be no non-Jews anywhere in these levels. The Goyim are merely lieutenants who serve the Jews in their efforts, a large category of educated lawyers, accountants, business professionals and others. These people are essentially compradors, traitors to their ideals and their countries, but who benefit from high salaries and some legal immunity, and thus are happy to feed at the trough.


They are not only well-paid but well-deluded; they believe they are part of “us” when they are really “them”, and that means that when the final curtain comes down, they will be disposable Goyim like all the others.


As an example, it would be determined in The City of London that the anti-Western government in Ukraine should be overthrown and that NATO should expand to encircle and surround Russia, all in preparation for the eventual control and partition of Russia. The strategy would be planned in The City of London, and then passed to the group of 300 who would further flesh out the strategy. The larger group surrounding this would be comprised of highly-educated bankers, industrialists and professionals who would determine the details and tactics, and possibly assign eventual execution responsibilities to various named individuals. Once all this had been done, the “middle-men” would deliver the final instructions to those named for the execution of these plans.


As another example, the seeds of creation of the World Economic Forum, the WEF led by Klaus Schwab, would have originated in The City of London with a general plan as to purpose and execution, being yet one more part of the planned World Government. From here, the next layer would discuss and plan the details and tactics, and obtain confirmation and agreement from The City. Following this, the individuals would be chosen to lead the effort, and the plans communicated to the next level who would then organise the entire program and select the individuals to execute the program.

    • IC - What would be the most visible and destructive actions of the Khazarian machine to destroy the world order as we know it?

LR - The stillborn Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP would have been another of these portions of the planned World Government. This plan was too aggressive, too ambitious, and it failed. Had it succeeded, humanity would have been doomed because it would have removed the sovereignty of nations almost entirely and placed all the power in the hands of Jewish bankers and multi-national industrial companies. The International Khazar Jews have made it plain that the concept of “nation-state” is archaic and useless, and a new world organisation is necessary.


The TPP would in fact have removed the power of nation-states to control their own military, financial matters, economy, health regulations, transferring virtually all power to the Jewish bankers and industrialists, all of this controlled ultimately from The City of London. It is very important to realise that National governments would have been left with only two functions: tax collection and population suppression. The WEF is taking us in the same direction by a more circuitous route and not so aggressively done.


Keep in mind that the Jews have been preparing and training national leaders for this new world, for decades now. Justin Trudeau of Canada is one such, and a brief search will provide the names of many others who are already psychologically prepared to betray their own nations into this Hydra. Trudeau already boasts of Canada being the first “post-nation state”, and that means precisely what it seems to mean: Canada is no longer a sovereign nation, but a kind of subsidiary political unit that is entirely controlled from The City of London. All Western nations are going in the same direction. The current foreign migrations into all Western nations are an integral part of this process. The intent is to reduce national ethnic populations below the level necessary to produce effective resistance and to help eliminate the concept of nationality. It is an accepted fact that as a country like Romania or Germany   obtains a level of foreign migrants above about 30%, the society loses its cohesion and Germans or Romanians are no longer able to function effectively as a national group.


    • IC – So the Khazars know from scientific studies what is the critical figure in altering national cohesion?

LR - This is not difficult to understand.


Imagine a future Romania where citizens are upset with some new government policies and 100 persons have gathered to discuss protests and tactics to oppose those measures. Now imagine that 30 of that 100 are foreigners – Jews, persons from Haiti, Algeria, Cambodia, Uganda. Those people do not think as you do; your ideas are not theirs. They do not share your values, your ethics, history, traditions,  religion. Your concerns with your government are not their concerns. They do not see things the way you see them, and their natural opposition will serve to sabotage all your efforts. You will never be able to obtain the critical mass of public support necessary for this effort or for any other. Those people do not in any sense see themselves as Romanian, and your society will have lost much of its cohesion. This is one more part of the plan to eliminate the very concept of nationality, and intermarriage between national citizens and foreigners will serve over several generations to virtually eliminate “real” Romanians. This is a planned cultural genocide, and needs to be taken much more seriously than is done today.


Western European nations are being flooded today with migrants from Africa. If we look at Germany, France, Italy, England, the social situation is bleak. There already exists an astonishing animosity between the native population and the immigrants, much as exists today in the US between the blacks and whites. This is not accidental; the animosity is a feature of social disintegration, and in many countries could easily lead to a kind of civil war, not between government factions but between kinds and classes of people. A society overloaded with immigrants that are “too foreign” will eventually collapse into anarchy: the post-nation state where a main function of the selected government will be population suppression.


Here are a few comments by a reader in Western Europe, on the present condition of society. This is not promising.


“Paris is completely flooded by Africans. To ride their subway, you have to cover your nose and mouth — the stench is overwhelming.”

The fabled Riviera, especially Marseille, is now a third-world shanty town, with garbage lying everywhere. Switzerland and Germany were flooded with Middle Easterners, Afghans, and others speaking every language except German. The once great city of London is now filled with an undulating mass of black and brown humanoidal protoplasm. London is a multicultural toilet, maybe worse than NYC if that’s possible. Look at Luxembourg; the place looks like Africa, tons of them, hanging out, loitering, clownish behaviors, screaming yelling, defecating/urinating all over Ettelbruck and Dunkirk.

Canada is quickly following suit - thanks to Justin “Jackboot” Trudeau and his right-hand Jewess Chrystia Freeland.” “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."


Another tool in this box is NATO. If Romania joins the EU, a condition is that the nation must surrender its military to NATO. Thus, Romanian soldiers are no longer Romanian, but part of a multi-national military. It is not widely-known, but new NATO soldiers are taught that they are not part of their former national military but now owe their loyalty to this supra-national force, and are further told that one day they may be engaged in battle against their own country.


NATO is entirely a Jewish construct. It has not had, and does not have now, any valid reason for existence. Its only purpose is to function as the Jews’ military when the time comes. With the exception of the British East India Company, the Jews have never had their own armies. For 200 or more years they used the British army due to their control over the government of England. That is why it was the British army that effectively invaded South Africa in the Boer wars so that one of the Rothschilds could obtain control of the vast gold and diamond mines. They functioned truly as what I call “The Bankers’ Private Army’.  The Jews destroyed the British Empire in the two World Wars, but that was of no consequence because they had already transferred their flag to the US. They are today destroying the US in a similar manner, socially, economically, and politically, but that is also of no consequence because the plan is to transfer their flag to NATO. The Jews will use the US to execute one last World War, which will almost certainly end with the destruction of the US as a military and political force, but NATO will already be there as the Jews’ supra-national military to control the appointed governments and populations of all their “post-national states”. And this supra-national military will be controlled and directed by The City of London.

    • IC – In their plan to unify and blend nations, the culture, traditions or religions are not forgiven, what are the actions that are easiest to detect in this campaign against humanity?

LR - There are further issues. Inherent in the plans for the kind of world government we will eventually have, is not only the removal of national governments and militaries, but the destruction of society, the family, morals, and religion. All of these are happening at the same time, as integral portions of the same plan. We tend to look at all these sectors as disconnected items, but they are all closely related and form a unit.


The US is perhaps the country that has progressed the farthest in these directions, but all Western nations (and eventually all nations everywhere) will follow the same pattern. In terms of society, the US has opened the floodgates to ‘very’ foreign immigration in huge numbers, while at the same time animosities are being openly encouraged between white Americans and all others. Black on White crime is increasing exponentially in the US, and it may not be long before the Whites begin to retaliate in kind and we have civil strife that will be essentially a civil war. Already, social cohesion is disintegrating.

    • IC – As we can see, no aspect of economic, political or social life is forgiven, everything must be destroyed beyond recognition, probably the family is condemned to the same process of identity destruction…

LR - In terms of the family, the US leads the world in single-parent families, in unmarried young people, in single-person households. The Jewish-owned news media are promoting “swinging”, which is men trading their wives for sexual use, and the young generation are being led into gross sexual perversions. Canadian and American newspapers during COVID were openly promoting the use of “glory holes” which is a walled partition with small openings through which a man would insert his penis and a woman on the other side would offer her mouth or vagina to satisfy it. They also published instructions on how to conduct orgies during the pandemic.


When I was a young man, the rule was that a girl would never kiss you on a first date. Today, young American girls of 14 and 15 are saying boys want oral, anal, and vaginal sex, and expect it all on the first date. That is not a small change in morals or values.


When Bela Kuhn (Cohen) initiated the Jewish Communist Revolution in Hungary, his first acts were attempts to destroy the family, morals, and religion. He instituted new programs in elementary schools encouraging young children to engage in open sexuality and intercourse, and married women to freely engage in adultery. This plan has never changed. The program further contains all the overheated media onslaught today about “trans-gender” and changing the genders of children, and an increasingly extreme program in the sexualization of children. The UN agencies are part of this, with the WHO now stating that children should have “sexual partners” from elementary school onward. With the genders, new laws are being implemented – as in Canada – that teachers can encourage children to change their genders, that the parents must not be notified by either the teachers or the children, and that parental “interference” in these surreptitious gender changes will be a crime that would result in arrest and imprisonment. This is real. It is the same with another program of “assisted suicide” where, again in Canada, a child as young as ten years can request an assisted suicide, and the parents are legally prohibited from interfering.


The destruction of morality began in earnest in the 1960s with the Jewish invention of the contraceptive pills for females and the resulting widely-promoted “sexual revolution”, and that was the beginning of the end for the family. This was further enhanced by the so-called “Women’s’ Liberation Movement” in the 1970s and 1980s.


The theory was that marriage was a millstone for women, and served only to prevent their full development as individuals, leaving women to conclude that without the anchor of a family, they would all achieve great success. This propaganda was so successful that divorce rates in the US and Canada jumped by over 200% in about ten years. Not long after, a similar anti-marriage propaganda campaign reappeared, heavily promoted by the Jewish-owned media,that increased the divorce rate by another 60%. None of this was an accident or a natural social evolution, but part of a long-term concentrated plan to destroy the family.


One of the propaganda tactics used by the Jews in these social engineering programs is to change the meanings of words to force the public to accept that “red is the new blue”. As one example, the definition and meaning of “family” have been substantially altered in the West, a family no longer consisting of a husband, wife and children. We have been heavily programmed to accept a "marriage" between two men, their being designated "husband" and "wife", and having legal permission to adopt small boys. In the popular press we no longer have the concept of heterosexual husband and wife; instead, we have "partners" and "significant others". This isn't simply terminology; the actual concept of "family" is being destroyed, turned into a kind of confusing nothingness.


Coinciding with this, the intense push for free abortions that has been occurring for the past 100 or more years, was entirely Jewish in construct and execution.

    • IC – These not only immoral but even criminal actions to influence and distort human behavior, especially among young people, have intensified recently. What is your opinion?

LR - This is also true for pornography and for the legalisation of drugs like marijuana and cocaine. There is no difficulty in tracing all of these to Jewish roots, and it is obvious that these measures are all heavily supported by the Jewish media.


Respected national newspapers in the US and Canada carry articles advising women on the “best places to find pornography”.


Coincident with the sexualization of children is child sexual trafficking which is apparently increasingly widespread and originating from the same sources. There is no shortage of stories of US Secret Service men bringing small boys into the White House through the back door in the late evening. It appears that most Western government leaders are well-acquainted personally with this issue, including European royalty.


There is more to do with children. The Jewish bible, the Talmud, contains extensive discussions about whether a girl of three years old can be used for sexual intercourse or if one must wait until she is “three years plus a day”. It also states that when a small girl is repeatedly used for sexual intercourse, her hymen repairs itself repeatedly, and she remains “undamaged”.


These Jewish social engineering programs - all part of the coming New World Order - are sexualising and corrupting the children in ways that can never be repaired even if the ambitions eventually fail. In the West, we can never revert to where we were during sane times.

    • IC – Beyond the lack of respect for the Christian religion or even other religions, it seems that there is a clear mission to destroy religions by any means provided or not allowed.

LR - The destruction of religion, most especially Christianity, is a vital part of this plan.


When I was a young man, Sunday was a special day, reserved for worship and family. Only vital commercial establishments were open.


If I were stranded in another city over a weekend and had friends in that city, I might contact one of them on the Saturday, but I would never call or interrupt them on the Sunday. That would have been an almost inexcusable violation of privacy. The Jews began there, with an intense push to open cinemas on Sundays. With that success, they progressed to grocery stores, supermarkets, and eventually Sunday as a special religious day was destroyed.


To say that many Jews detest Christianity and have an intense hatred for it, is a serious understatement. This hatred for Christianity and the Jews' determination to eliminate it, is far more serious than commonly understood. I will give you here a brief quote from one of my earlier articles. It is instructive to understand the contempt that Jews hold for Christianity in general and Jesus Christ in particular.


“Puterea din spatele tronului”


Gary Aldrich was an FBI agent for 26 years who spent the latter part of his career investigating security clearances to White House staff.


In his book, Aldrich tells what it was like decorating Hillary Clinton’s White House Christmas Tree, with ornaments created by various Jewish artists, featuring pornography, “sex toys and self-mutilation devices”.


Aldrich wrote, “I couldn’t believe the disrespect that these ornaments represented. Many of the Jewish artists invited to make and send something to hang on the tree must have had nothing but disgust, hatred, and disrespect for the White House and the citizens of this country, a disgust obviously encouraged in the name of artistic freedom ... Here was another five golden rings ornament — five gold-wrapped condoms. I threw it in the trash. There were other condom ornaments, some still in the wrapper, some not.


Jews write and publish articles in the mass media titled, “F... you, Jesus”. This trash is everywhere to be found, if one takes the time to look. And it will increase in intensity. By contrast, a person writing or doing such things against the Jewish religion would be in prison.


After all, the Jews are “victims”.

    • IC - How real is Jewish hatred of the goyim, non-Jewish world? Who maintains it? At what level of the Jewish hierarchy is this policy cultivated? Is there also a racial, anti-goyim basis to Jewish aversion to Christianity? An aversion inherited from the days of ancient Rome? Or Carthage?

LR – As you can see from the above, the hatred is real. The policies originate in The City of London and executed by lieutenants all over the world. The bias is certainly related to contempt for the Goyim (non-Jews) generally. It is not true that all Jews hate all non-Jews or hold them in contempt, but it certainly is true that the Jews who oversee this massive “control the entire world” program do indeed hold the Goyim in utter contempt. Their feelings toward non-Jews and Christianity cannot be separated.


And the Jewish bible, the Talmud, reinforces this attitude, stating that a male Jew can treat a Goyim woman “like a piece of meat”, that Goyim can be killed without blame, cheated without blame. One of the most prominent Jewish prayers is the Kol Nidre, through which these Jews pray to their god (presumably Satan) to permit them to renege on any and every promise made to a Goy during the coming year.


Many Jewish writers (and including the Talmud itself) state clearly and openly that the Goyim are merely “cattle” for the Jews, not really human, and have no purpose but to serve Jews. This attitude and writing are so widespread they cannot be denied.

    • IC - The concern of the Jews to promote their representatives is notorious!The Nobel prizes are particularly targeted. I know a little bit about literature and I realized that most of the award-winning Jews are impostors! Are there just as many impostors among the other Jewish Nobel laureates?

LR – The Nobel Prizes are largely fraudulent, mostly controlled by European Jewish bankers, and far too often granted to Jews. The Nobel Peace Prize is especially notorious for its use as a political tool. The Economics Prize is not really a Nobel Prize although it is presented as such, but it seems that nearly all recipients are Jews. A group of Jews petitioned for more than ten years for Albert Einstein to receive a prize for physics, but he was so undistinguished and incompetent, to say nothing of being an outrageous plagiarist, that they could find no basis for such an award. Finally, he was granted a Nobel Prize for “contributing to the field of physics”. In other words, they could find nothing deserving a reward so they fabricated a new general category.

    • IC- In recent years, several hundreds of thousands of Jews have secretly obtained Romanian citizenship in Romania, many of them have owned real estate, have successful businesses. Is there a political strategy to this population movement? What would be the Zionist goal?

LR – I didn’t know about this, but I would certainly worry about it.


With these large numbers, this cannot be accidental; it must be part of a plan. I would guess that Romania’s strong Christian roots are playing a part in this, because these roots will have to be ripped out.



    • IC - What is the number of those considered Jews? How many are the true Jews?

LR – There are two races of Jews. One is the Semitic Jews originating in the Middle East. The other is the Ashkenazi, who are not Jews at all but are of European stock, the original Khazars. They adopted the Jewish (Babylonian) Talmud as their bible and present themselves as Jews, but they are not. Benjamin Freedman insists on calling them “so-called Jews”, which is accurate. Most Jews today, more than 95% by Jewish estimates, are European Khazars. I covered this in some detail in an article titled “Who is a Jew?”.


Rather than provide much detail here, readers could review this article.

    • IC - Is there a real opposition within the Jewry to the crimes committed by the Jewish leaders? Are there dissensions among the Jews? At what level?

LR – There certainly is opposition within the two classes of Jews as to the crimes committed and to the concept of a one world government. Unfortunately, the media at all levels is almost entirely controlled by the Khazar Jews and they permit no such discussion or reports to reach the general public. It is thus very difficult to estimate the number of “conscientious objectors”. We do see occasional articles in the print media, generally objecting to the Jewish crimes and challenging all the historical lies being propagated, but there is not much of this. Jews occasionally write books exposing the crimes and lust for control, but usually these books meet with silence; Amazon and the book-sellers will not carry them, the New York Times will never publish a book review, and so the general public are unaware they exist.


A Jew, Norman Finklestein, wrote a book titled “The Holocaust Industry, which was a significant exposure of this immense fraud. It is available for free download in pdf format from the archive, and worth reading:


There are few Jews at a high level who would dare to contradict those in The City of London. The few who have done so, have either been killed or have had their reputations and careers hopelessly destroyed. These Khazars are gangsters and will turn on their own as quickly as on anyone else, with a viciousness that is surprising.


Dominique Strauss-Khan was the President of the IMF and touted to become the next President of France, when he crossed these people and was totally ruined. I wrote an article about this, if readers are interested:

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Revisited


I mentioned earlier the membership in the various layers of authority. Consider that Strauss-Khan, as prominent and highly-placed as he was, was in no way part of the inner circles. In referring to them, he told his wife “They are out to get me”, clearly suggesting he was far removed from the real power.

And persons like George Soros would be only in the outer circle.

I think it’s best to stop here. It would be distracting to also include discussions on other topics about economics or Germany or Hitler.

Perhaps this one topic is sufficient.

    • CD - Thank you Mr Romanoff and Mr Coja for your passionate commitment to the clarification of this darkness of the world that needs to be clarified once and for all and for everyone.

The interview will continue with some very interesting questions and answers.

See you soon.


Note from the Editor:

Although the interviews usually do not include references, I have added supplementary information on the sexualisation of children and divorce rates as it could be useful for readers to consult:

"Schools must equip children to have sexual partners" - say the UN and WHO

Gender-mad teachers smugly trample parents' rights

Canadian MPs want assisted suicide for children without parental consent

In Germany, kindergartens have "sex testing rooms" where children participate in sex games

The Kita room should allow "sex games"!

The Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) has planned a private room for "medical games" in at least one of its kindergartens.
German kindergartens promote "sexual exploration rooms" where children are encouraged to masturbate and touch each other

On divorce rates:
Divorce rates in Canada


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 -- Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at +

He can be contacted at:



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2017 FSB Meeting - RO from Roberto Petitpas on Vimeo.




: ARTICLES 'Epica della guerra di liberazione' "Flying Syringes" “Full Spectrum Dominance” "L'INSPIEGABILE COVID-19" "O plano dos judeus khazarianos para um Governo Mundial Único" “PROPAGANDA "Restabelecer factos distorcidos" "Restoring distorted facts" “The Khazar Jews’ Plan for a One-World Government” “可萨犹太人的计划一个世界政府” « Rétablir des faits distordus » «DICHIARAZIONE DI FIRENZE» 1961 1961 SPEECH 20 years in the EU - the losses are greater than the benefits 21st Century Wire 2AFRICA 4 Novembre 5G 5G Technology 6ª coluna 6th Column 7 APRIL 70 GODINA NATO-a: KONTINUIRANI RAT 9/11 911 A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction A Arte da Guerra A BRAMERTON A FLEETING REFLECTION A GRANDEZA DE UMA NAÇÃO A GUERRA NUCLEAR A Hasbara Judaica em Toda a sua Glória.Mentiras por Todo o Lado A História das Invenções Chinesas A Litany of Pharma Crimes A Message from Larry Romanoff A new kind of Tiranny A SAMPLE OF THE E-BOOK A. Orlov A.C. Abayomi Azikiwe ABIZAID ABOGADOS ABOGADOS PROGRESISTAS DE ESPAÑA ABOUT TRUMP Abu Bakr al Baghdadi ABU GHRAIB Acción secreta Açores activism Adam GArrie ADL ADN CHINÊS Afeganistão Afeghanistan Afghanistan Africa AIDS Ajamu Baraka Al Jazeera AL-ASSAD AL-HUSAINI Alberto Bradanini Aleksandar PAVIC Alemanha ALENA Alessandropoli alex gorka Alex Lantier Alex Rubinstein Alexander Azadgan ALEXANDER COCKBURN ALEXANDER DUGIN ALEXANDER KUZNETSOV Alexandra Bruce Alexandre Artamonov Alexandre Cazes ALEXIS Alfred McCoy ALLARME PER LA CRESCENTE TENSIONE INTERNAZIONALE Allied Spirit Allies Ambasciatore della Lettonia AMBASSADRICE DE LETONNIE Ambrose Evans-Pritchard AMÉRICA America - The World's Bully America's Bio-Weapons Status America’s Deep State Revisited AMERICA'S WHITE SLAVERY AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM AMERICAN HEALTHCARE American Infiltration AMLO an Greenhalgh Ana de Sousa Dias ANA SOUSA DIAS ANASTASOV Anatol Lieven and Entirely Criminal Andre Vltchek ANDREI AKULOV Andrew Griffin Andrew Korybko Andrew P. Napolitano Andrey Afanasyev Anglozionists animals Ann Diener Ann Wright Anna Hunt ANNA KURBATOVA Anna Von Reitz Anne Speckhard Ph. D. Anne Speckhard PH. D ANONYMOUS PATRIOTS Anti-Media News Desk ANTI-MONOPOLY POLICIES Anticipated Civil Unrest António Guterres Antony C. Black ap APEC APEL CONDUCATORILOR CELOR NOUA STATE DETINATOARE DE ARME NUCLEARE APELA A LOS LÍDERES DE LOS NUEVE ESTADOS CON ARMAS NUCLEARES APELO AOS DIRIGENTES DOS NOVE ESTADOS DETENTORES DE ARMAS NUCLEARES APPEAL TO THE LEADERS APPEL AUX DIRIGEANTS APPELLO AI LEADER DEI NOVE STATI APRIL 7 Arab NATO aRABIC Arabische NAVO ARAM MIRZAEI Argentina Ariel Noyola Rodríguez ARJUN WALIA Armas Nucleares ARMENIAN ARMES NUCLÉAIRES armi atomiche ARMI NUCLEARI arrested ARROZ DORADO ARTICLES Asaf Durakovic Asia Asma Assad ASMOLOV ASSANGE assassination At the helm: 20 years ago Atomic bomb Atomic Bombs AUDIO INTERVIEW AUKUS Australia Automóveis Eléctricos AUTOPSY Autos: A Step Back into Nostalgia Avelino Rodrigues Aviano AVNERY B61 B61-12 B61-12 Bomb Background BAKER balfour BAN ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS bankers BANQUEROS EUROPEUS JUDÍOS BAOFU barcelona Barrett Brown Bash China Bashar al-Assad Basi americane Baxter Dmitry BECKER Before it's News BEGLEY Bell & Edison Belmarsh Prison Belshmare BEM NACIONAL BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN BERGER Berlin Conference Bernays and Democracy Control BERNAYS AND PROPAGANDA BERUTE BILDERBERG 2019 BILL GATES BILL SARDI Binoy Kampmark BIO WAR BIO WARFARE Bio-chemical Warfare biological and chemical weapons BIOLOGICAL WARFARE Biological Warfare in Action Biological Weapon BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS Biotechnology and GMO Bioweapons Birth of America Bloqueios de Informação Body Systems BOER WARS BOGDANOV bolsa Bombing of North Korea Bonnie Faulkner books about war Boris Johnson Brazilian BRENNAN Brexit BRIAN CLOUGHLEY BRICS briefing Bruce Cagnon Bruce Gagnon BULGARIAN Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists Bush family BUTLER By Jack Heart & Orage By Prof Michel Chossudovsky CABRAS Caitlin Johnstone CAMP DARBY CAMPOS DE CONCENTRAÇAO Canada’s Tainted Blood Canadian Red Cross cancer CAPITALISM capitalismo CAPÍTULO 10 CAPÍTULO 11 CAPÍTULO 8 CAPÍTULO 9 CAPÍTULO SETE Captagon CAPTAIN AMERICA Carey Wedler Carla Stea CAROL ADL CARTA ABERTA CARTALUCCI Casques Blancs CASTELLANO CATALUNHA Catherine Austin Fitts CATHY O'BRIEN cats cavaquismo CDC CEI 70 DE ANI AI NATO: DIN RAZBOI ÎN RAZBOI CFO of Huawei Change of Venue CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15 CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 17 Chapter 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 Chapter 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER TEN Chelsea Manning CHEMICAL WEAPONS CHEMICHAL WEAPONS Chi sono gli incendiari di petroliere CHIESA CHINA China is Not the West China reseeded China's 1959 Famine China’s DeepSeek and the Criminal World of American AI China's Democracy Experiments China's Electric Vehicles (EVs) China's Hongersnood 1959 China’s Low-Altitude Economy China's Summer Palace Chine Chineese feel home better CHINESE CHINESE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Chinese Embassy Chinese Embassy in France CHINESE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Choice and Truth Choosing Government Leaders Chossudovsky Chris Cole CHRIS HEDGES Christchurch Christian Far Right Christopher Black CIA CIA Project MK-ULTRA CIDADES MAIS SEGURAS DO MUNDO CIMEIRA DE VARSÓVIA CINA CITIBANK civilian repression Claire Bernish Clima CLIMATE CHANGE clinton CNN COCA COLA Coca-Cola COINTELPRO Collective Evolution colonialismo coloured revolutions. elections meddling COMBOIOS DE ALTA VELOCIDADE Comitato No Guerra No Nato COMMENTS Como os EUA se Tornaram Ricos COMUNICATO/APPELLO Comunidad Saker Latinoamérica Condolences from the President of the Russian Federation CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE PER IL 70° DELLA NATO CONVENÇÃO INTERNACIONAL DO 70º ANIVERSÁRIO DA NATO CONVENȚIA INTERNAȚIONALĂ PENTRU A 70-A ANIVERSARE A NATO-ULUI CONVERSATIONS WITH PUTIN COOK Cooper Union University coordinamento COPPA DEL MONDO coranavirus COREIA DO NORTE Corey Feldman corona virus coronavirus coronavírus corporações corsa nucleare cost of war COUNTER PUNCH COUNTER-ACTIONS AGAINST USA counterpunch Covert Action COVID Vaccinations COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes” Covid-19 COVID-19: Survival Guide COVID-20 COVID-US Craig McKee Craig Murray CRANDANGOLO Crimes against Humanity Criminal Enterprise crise dos refugiados CROATIAN Cult CUNNINGHAM CURENT CONCERNS CURRENT CONCERNS CZECH DAMAS Damasco Daniel Ellsberg Daniel Lazare Daniel McCARTHY Daniele Ganser DANISH DANSK Darius Shahtahmasebi DARK JOURNALIST DARK JOURNALISTt DARPA DAVE WEBB DAVID HOROVITZ DAVID IGNATIUS DAVID IRVING David Krieger David Krieger. Martin Luther King David Lemire David STERN David Swanson DAVIDSWANSON Deal of Century DEAN Dean Henderson DECLARAÇÃO BALFOUR Declaração de Florença Declaration of Florence Deena Stryker Deep State Defender Europe 20 Defender Europe 2020 Defense Pact Delta coronavirus Democracia Multi-Partidos DEMOCRACY Democracy - The Most Dangerous Religion Democracy and Universal Values DEMOCRACY CONTROL Democracy to Fascism demonização do Islã xiita Denali dependência depopulation Der Krieg gegen Jugoslawien DESENVOLVIMENTO desigualdades Desinformação Mediática Destruction and desperation Deutsch Devin Nunes Diário do Povo Online Dichiarazione di Firenze DICK CHENEY Die Kunst des Krieges Die Präsidenten DIMONA DINNUCI DINUCCI DIPLOMACY Directiva Guerini DISCOURS À l'ASSEMBLÉE FÉDÉRALE discurso de Walid Al-Moualem Distanziamento sociale DISTORTIONS Dmisa Malaroat DMITRIY SEDOV Dmitry Minin DMITRY ORLOV dnepropetrovsk Dnipro DOCUMENTARY AND DRAMATIC FILMS ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS Dollar Domenico Losurdo DOMÍNIO DA UNIVERSALIDADE Donald Trump Donbass doni DONINEWS Doomesday Clock Dr. Kevin Barrett Dr. Strangelove Dresden drone assassination Drone strikes Drones NATO Dublin DUFF DUGIN E-BOOK e-commerce EBOLA economia ECONOMIA. POLÍTICA economic costs Economic Theory ECONOMICS ECONOMY Ed Dames EDITOR'S CHOICE Eduard Bernays Education EDWARD BERNAYS EDWARD SNOWDEN EINLADUNG ZUR INTERNATIONALEN KONFERENZ ZUM 70-JÄHRIGEN JUBILÄUM DER NATO Einstein El Ejército Privado de los Banqueros El Excepcionalismo Americano El Periodico ELDERLY MAN ON FIRE ELECTION ELEIÇÕES USA: OS MECANISMOS DA FRAUDE Eliason ELIJAH J. MAGNIER ELISABETE LUIS FIALHO Eliseo Bertolasi Elite’s Malthusian Agenda Embaixada da China em França Embaixatiz da Leónia Embajadora de Letonia EMBASSY OF ECUADOR EMMONS empréstimos EN -- INVITATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATO EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Democracy END FACTORY FARMING endgahl energia solar ENGDAHL English entrevista epidemias EPILOGUE Erdogan Eric S. Margolis Eric Zuesse ERKLÄRUNG VON FLORENZ ESCOBAR ESPANÕL Español estado estado-nação Ethnicity EU EUA Europa EUROPE EUROPEAN KHAZARIAN JEWS European Union EUTM Eva Bartlett EVAGGELOS VALLIANATOS Evan at Fight for the Future EVENT 201 Evgeny Baranov EVs ewish Corporate Heroes EXÉRCITO DOS BANQUEIROS JUDEUS Expulsion of Russian Diplomats Over Skripal Case F-35 F. William Engdahl facebook Faco fake news Fake News Awards Fallujah FALTA DE IMPARCIALIDADE FANG Farage farewell address FARSI Fattima Mahdi FBI Federal District Judge Miles Lord FEDERICO PIERACCINI Felicity Arbuthnot FEMA FERDINANDO IMPOSIMATO FERRIS Festival des Droits Humains Field McConnell finança finance Finian Cunningham Finnian Cunningham FINNISH FIRENZE First International Conference Against US/NATO Foreign Military bases FIRST PERSON FLÁVIO GONÇALVES FLUORIDATION Flying Taxis Small Drones and More FMI Follhas For Your Information FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE TV forbidden nowledge FÓRUM ECONÓMICO ORIENTAL Foster Gamble four horsemen FR -- LES 70 ANS DE L'OTAN: DE GUERRE EN GUERRE Fr. Andrew Phillips FRANÇA FRANÇAIS France FRANCESCA CHAMBERS FRANCESCO CAPPELLO Francesco Colafemmina Francis Lee Frankreichs FRAUDE EXTRANJERO FREE AHED TAMINI FREE E-BOOK FREE ENTERPRISE FREE Julian Assange FREE PAGES FREE PDF Freeman FRENCH FRISK From Gaza AI War Criminal FUKUSHIMA FULFORD FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE Fuller G-20 G20 G20 SUMMIT Galima Galiullina Galima Galiullina GALLAGHER Gareth Porter GARY NORTH Gás natural Gaza Gaza strip Gemplus General Flynn Genetic Manipulation genocide geopolítica George Gallanis George Szamuely GERMAN German. Manlio Dinucci GERMANOS germany Ghedi GHOUTA Ghouta Oriental Gilad Atzmon Gilbert Doctorow Giulietto Chiesa Giuseppe Conte Giuseppe Padovano GIVING NAMES Gladio Glen Greenwald Glenn Greenwald Global Economy GLOBAL MELTDOWN GLOBAL RESEARCH GLOBAL RESEARCH NEWS HOUR Global Times global warming Globalism globalização GMO GMO's REVEALED GMOS Gold GOLD ROBBERY google GORBACIOV AL CONVEGNO DI FIRENZE SULLA NATO GORDON GORDON DUFF GOUTHA Graham E. Fuller Graham Vanbergen GRANDANGOLO GRAZIA TANTA GREAT RESET Greece GREEK GREENHALGH GREENWALD Greg Hunter Gregory Copley GRETA THUNBERG GRETE MAUTNER GRUPO BILDERBERG Guerra alla Jugoslavia GUERRA BIOLÓGICA Guerra Civil guerra comeercial GUERRA NUCLEAR GUERRA NUCLEARE Guest Contributions GUEST CONTRIBUTORS GUNNAR Guns & Butter GUTERRES Gypsies Gypsies Expulsions Gypsies Origins HAARP HAGOPIAN Hakan Karakurt HAMBRUNA DE CHINA health HEGEMONIA USA HELLENIC Henry Kissinger HEPATITE C Hepatitis C Herbert McMaster HERMAN HERNÂNI CARVALHO HEZ HIBRYD WARS hill HILLARY CLINTON HIROSHIMA Hiroshima & Nagasaki História History History of Mossad assassinations and false flag attacks HIV hollywood HONG KONG HONG KONG PROTESTERS Honk if You Love Jesus HUAWEI HUDON HUDSON HUMANITY AT THE CROSSROADS HURRICANE HYBRID WARS Ian Greenhalgh Ian Shilling ICAN ideeCondividi Igor Nikulin Il futuro dell’America impeachment INAUGURATION INBJUDAN TILL EN INTERNATIONELL KONFERENS INFÖR NATO´S 70-ÅRSDAG INCÊNDIOS Incirlik INDEPENDÊNCIA India Índia Indiens INF TREATY Inform Clear House INFORMATION BLOCKADES INICIATIVA PRIVADA INSANIDADE AMERICANA Intelligence INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN FLORENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN FLORENCE Italy INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF NATO INTERNATIONALE KONGRES FOR 70 ÅRS DAGEN FOR NATO’S OPRETTELSE INTERNATIONATIONAL CONFERENCE Internet INTERVIEW Interview with Larry Romanoff Intimidating the Media & Subverting the Press INTRODUCTION INVITACIÓN PARA LA CONVENCIÓN INTERNACIONAL DEL 70º ANIVERSARIO DE LA NATO INVITATION À LA CONVENTION INTERNATIONALE POUR LE 70ème ANNIVERSAIRE DE L'OTAN/NATO INVITO INVITO AL CONVEGNO DEL 25 APRILE IODINE ION COJA IRAN Irão IRAQ Iraq war Iraque IRRAN Isaac Davis ISIS Ismail Bashmori Israel Israeli mass murder Israels IT -- Manlio Dinucci -- L'arte della guerra -- Le 70 candeline (esplosive) della Nato IT – Manlio Dinucci – L’arte della guerra -- Hong Kong Itália ITALIAN ITALIANO Italy Italy's Olive Trees ITULAIN Ivan Blot JACQUES CHIRAC Jacques Sapir Jacy Reese JALIFE-RAHME JAMES James A. Lucas James Angleton James Comey JAMES CORBETT JAMES GEORGE JATRAS James ONeil JAMES PETRAS JAMES RISEN Jane Grey Japan JAPANESE Japão Jay Greenberg Jean Perier Jean Périer Jean Toschi M. Visconti Jean-Claude Paye Jean-Luc Melenchon JEFF SESSIONS JEFFREY EPSTEIN Jeffrey Epstein's suicide JEFFREY SMITH JEFFREY ST. CLAIR JEFFREY ST. CLAIR - ALEXANDER COCKBURN JEWISH BETRAYAL Jewish Corporate Heroes Jews Jews' control over US domestic and foreign policy JEZEBEL JFK JILL STEIN Jim W. Dean Jimmy Carter Joachim Hagopian Joan Roelofs Joe Biden Joe Biden apprendista stregone nucleare Johan McCain John Bolton John Helmer John LaForge john McCain JOHN PILGER John Podesta John W. Whitehead JONAS E. ALEXIS Jonas E. Alexis. VETERANS TODAY Jonathan Marshall JONES Jordânia JOSÉ GOULÃO Joseph Thomas journalism jubilados Jugoslávia JULIAN ASSANGE JULIAN ROSE Justice Horace Krever Justice in Focus Symposium Justice Mary Lou Benotto Justin Raimondo KADI Kadir A. Mohmand KADOORIE Kadyrov kalee brown kamila Valieva Karen Kwiatkowski Karine Bechet-Golovko KATEHON KATHEON Katherine Frisk Ken O’Keefe Kenneth P. VOGEL Kerch Strait kerry KERRY BOLTON Kerry Cassidy Kerry Picket Kevin Barret. VT Khashoggi Kim Petersen KIMBERLEY KINZER KIRYANOV KOENIG Konstantin Asmolov KORYBKO KORZUN KREMLIN LIST Krum Velkov KURDS L’agonie de la politique étrangère française l'arte de la guerra L'arte della guerra L’arte della guerra L’incendie de la cathédrale Notre-Dame L’Italia nella Coalizione «antiterrorismo» L’URLO DEGLI SCHIAVI SOFFOCATO DALLE ONG AL FESTIVAL DEI DIRITTI UMANI La corsa al dominio dello Spazio LA COUPE DU MONDE La course à la domination de l’Espace Labor Lajes USA base Larry Chin LARRY ROMANOF Larry Romanoff LARRY ROMANOFF Global Economy LARRY ROMANOFF ON CORONAVIRUS Latvian Ambassador Lauréat du Club de Periodistas de México Laurent Gerra lavr LAVROV LAW AND JUSTICE Le Monde LE PARISIEN Le Saker Francophone LENDMAN Leonardo LESIN Líbano LIBERIAMOCI DAL VIRUS DELLA GUERRA LIBIA Líbia LIBRI CONTRO LA GUERRA LIBRO APERTO LIBYA LIDAR COM DEMÓNIOS LIES Lies Everywhere Lionel Shriver LISBOA LITHIUM lítio Lituania Livorno Livro 1 lletin of The Atomic Scientists LOFGREN LONDON Lorenzo Guerini LUSITANIA LUTA ANIT-COMUNISTA LVOV LYBIA MACMILLAN macron Maduro Maidan Makia Freeman MANAGEMENT MANLIO Manlio Dinucci Manlio Dinucci - Manual de prevenção e controle da Covid-19 Manuel Ochsenreiter MAO TZE DONG MAO ZEDONG Mar del Plata Mar do Sul da China Marc Lassus Marco Cassiano MARCUS WEISGERBER MAREJADAS MARGARET KIMBERLEY Margarita Simonyan Margherita Furlan MARIA BUTINA MARIA BUTINA FUND MARIA ZAKHAROVA Mario Draghi Mark Citadel Mark Esper Mark Taliano Markus Frohnmaier Martin Berger Martin Hurkes Martin Luther King MARUSEK MARY BETH SULLIVAN Matt Agorist Matt Peppe MATTEO rRENZI MATTHEW COLE MATTHEW JAMISON MAX PARRY May McCain McCloy-Zorin Accords MCLAUGHLIN MEDIA AND CONSPIRACY IN ACTION Media Disinformation MEDIA E CONSPIRAÇÃO EM ACÇÃO” MEDIA E COSPIRAZIONE IN ATTO MEDIA I SPISEK W AKCJI MEDIA ȘI CONSPIRAȚIE ÎN ACȚIUNE” MEDICINE Meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence MEGYN KELLY MÉLENCHON MELKULANGARA BHADRAKUMAR meloni memo Memorial day Meng Wanzhou Meningitis mercado «repo» mercados MERCOURIS MERITOCRACY MERS-US MES Metas de desenvolvimento nacional da Rússia até 2030 MEU COMENTÁRIO MEXICO MEYSSAN MIC - MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX MICHAEL AVERKO Michael Brenner Michael Hudson MICHAEL JABARA CARLEY Michael S. Rozeff Michael T. Klare Michał Kalecki MICHEL CHOSSUDOVSKY Michel Raimbaud Middle East MIG video mike harris Mike Pence Mike Pompeo Mike Whitney Militarização e Armas de Destruição em Massa Militarization and WMD militarized budget MILITARY INTELLIGENCE MINA Mint Press News MintPressNews MIRANDA miscalculation Misión Verdad MISSEIS NUCLEARES NA EUROPA missiles nucleaires en Europe missioni cloniale MKULTRA Mobile Phone Systems Mohamed Mokhtar Qandiel MOHMAND Montenegro MOON OF ALABAMA moonofalabama MORENA Mossad MOST DAMAGING WIKILEAKS Mouna Alno-Nakhal MOVIMENTO PORTUGUÊS CONTRA A CIMEIRA DA NATO EM LONDRES Mudança de Local MYTH OF SUPREMACY Myths of Democracy NA PRIMEIRA PESSOA nacionalismo Nações Construídas sobre Mentiras NAFTA Nagasaki NÃO À GUERRA NÃO À NATO NAPALM national archives National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan NATIONAL GOOD NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE National Security Strategy NATO NATO & NUKES NATO Araba NATO Counter-Summit NATO EXIT NATO GENNEM 70 ÅR: VEDVARENDE KRIG NATO nello Spazio NATO Summit in London NATO Trident Juncture 2018 NATOME Nazim Hikmet Nazis Nazism nazismo Nazismus NED NEDERLANDS NEIL KEENAN NEO neoliberalismo new high-speed maglev train NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER new silk road NEW VIDEO New World Order New York Times NEWS DESK Nicholas Nicholaides Nick Turse Nigeria NIKANDROV nikki haley Nile Bowie NISSANI NO WAR NO NATO Noam Chomsky NOR Nordkoreas NORMAN SOLOMON NORSK NORTH KOREA North Stream 2 NORWEGIAN NOVOROSSIA novorussia NSA NSA BUILDINGS nuclear nuclear Armageddon Nuclear arsenal NUCLEAR MISSILES AGAINST USA NUCLEAR MISSILES IN EUROPE NUCLEAR WAR NUCLEAR WEAPONS NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN SPACE NUKES Nuovo Comando USA Nuremberg NWO NYTIMES O “Acordo do Século” O FUTURO DA AMÉRICA O SANGUE ADULTERADO DO CANADÁ obama obamas Objectively Observatório da Guerra e do Militarismo Obstruction of Justice OCCUPY WALL STREET Oil OLAS Oliver Stone Olivier Renault OMS ONDAS One-World Government ONU OPEN LETTER Operation Paperclip ORIGEM ORLOV Os Acordos McCloy-Zorin Os Judeus de Staline Os judeus estavam ocupados na década de 1930 Osama bin Laden OSCAR FORTIN Osservatorio sulla presenza USA in Italia ouro Outer Space OWoN Team Oxitec Pacto PAKISTAN Pakistans Palestina PALESTINE Palestinians pandemia pandemias PANDORA TV PANGEA Pangea Grandangolo (Byoblu) Pangea Notizie Papa Francisco PARRY Part 1 Part 10 PART 2 PART 3 Part 8 PARTE 1 PARTE 2 PARTE 3 Parte I Patrick Iber Patrick J. Buchanan Patrick Martin PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Paul Fitzgerald Paul Martin Paul R. PILLAR Paul Street PAYE Paz PCR peace Pedro Bustamante Pedro Caetano pedrógão grande PENTAGON PEPE ESCOBAR PEPE ESOBAR PERSIAN Peter Dale Scot Peter Dale Scott Peter Koenig PETER KORZUN Peter Thiel Petition PETRAS Petrodollar Pfizer's Perfectly-Timed Epidemic Ph.D Phil Butler PICCARD Pierre Farge PILGER Pirbright Institute Pisa Book Festival PISKORSKI PLAZA DE TIANANMEN Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum PODESTA POISONING CITIZENS POISONS IN THE WORLD CUP Police State & Civil Rights Police State America POLISH Política Political Economy Políticas anti-Covid-19 POLITICS POLSKI Pompeo Pompeo threatens Putin Pope Bergoglio Pope Francis Porte-parole du Comitato No Guerra No Nato PORTO Portugal PORTUGUES PORTUGUÊS PORTUGUESE Portuguguese PORTUGUSES Poutine POW POZVÁNKA NA MEDZINÁRODNÚ KONFERENCIU K PRÍLEŽITOSTI 70. VÝROČIA NATO PRAÇA TIANANMEN PRAVDA prc Premierminister und Gesetzgeber Chinas premIo dal Club de Periodistas de México Prémio Internacional de Análise Geoestratégica Premio Internacional de Análisis Geostratégico Premiul Internațional de Analiză Geostrategică preservação ambiental President Vladimir Putin Interview to Tucker Carlson Presidential Address to Federal Assembly Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly PRESTON JAMES PRINCE CHARLES PRINCE PHILIP PRIVATISATION Privatization Prof Michel Chossudovsky Prof Rodrigue Tremblay Project Veritas PROJECTO MK-ULTRA projecto Secasol PROPAGANDA PROPAGANDĂ PROPAGANDA E MEIOS DE COMUNICAÇÃO SOCIAL psychological warfare Psycological Warfare PSYOP Psywar Público PUERTO RICO PUTIN Putin in Italia Putin’s State of the Union PUTIN/TRUMP Putin/Trump meeting PYOTR ISKENDEROV Qingdao Queen Elizabeth QUEEN VICTORIA racism Rajan Menon RAND CORPORATION Raphael Johnson Raphaël Meyssan rebecca gordon Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks Recovery Fund Rede des Präsidenten vor der Bundesversammlung Redmayne-Titley Reiner Fuellmich Relatório do 2º Trimestre RELAX remote viewing Rep. Ron Paul Replant American Dream réseau Réseau International Réseau Voltaire Réseau Voltaire: Resources Warfare Rete Civica Livornese Contro la Nuova Normalità della Guerra Revisited Revue Défense Nationale Ricardo Vaz RICHARD DOLAN Richard Galustian Richard Labévière Richard Spencer Rick Sterling RIPPLES AND SURGES RM Rob Slane Rob Urie Robert Bridge Robert F. Kennedy Jr Robert J. Burrowes Robert J. O’Dowd Robert Maginnis Robert Mueller Robert O’Dowd ROBERT PARRY robert steele ROBERTS ROCKEFELLER rof. Mohssen Massarrat ROLAND Roland San Juan blog ROMÂNA ROMANIA PROTESTS ROMANIAN ROMÎNA Ron Aledo RON PAUL Ron Paul Institute Ron Unz rothschild roubo da prata RT Rubber-Stamp Parliaments Rudolph Giuliani RUDY GIULIANI RUSSIA RÚSSIA Russia feed RUSSIA TODAY russiafeed russiagate RUSSIAN Russian & Chinesese leaders Russian Insider RUSSIAN OLIGHARCHS RUSSIAN/UKRAIN CONFLIT Russian/Ukrianian conflit Russie politics Russka Russlands RUSSOPHILE Ryan Dawson Ryan Gallagher s: ARTICLES s:ARTICLES Sahra Wagenknecht SALÁRIO Salman Rafi Sheikh sana SANÇÕES sanctions sanders SANTOS SILVA Sarah Abed SARS SARS-US sARTICLES Sassoon Saudi Arabia SCAHILL Science SCOTT Scott Humor Sea of Azov Sean Adl-Tabatabai sécurité alimentaire syrienne Seeds of Destruction semences de blé contaminé September 25 SERBIAN SERGEY LAVROV serviços secretos servizi segreti Sessão Plenária do Fórum Económico Internacional de São Petersburgo sessions Seth Ferris SETH RICH SHAKDAM Shandong Province Shane Quinn Shanghai Diary Sharon Tennison Shawn Hamilton SHEIKH sic sic notícias SIDA Sigonella SIMON PARKES SIPRI Síria Skripal poisoning SLOVAK SLOVENIAN SLOVENSKÝ Smith & Wesson SNOWDEN SNYDER soberania SOCIALISM SOCIALISMO SOCIETY SOCIOLOGY Soleimani assassination Sophie & Co Søren Korsgaard Soros SOUS NOS YEUX SOUTH FRONT South Korea SOUTHFRONT Sovranità SP -- Manlio Dinucci -- «EL ARTE DE LA GUERRA»‎ La estrategia del caos dirigido Space Daily SPACE WARFARE Spain SPANISH speech GERMAN MP Speech at UN Assembly SPEECH TO FEDERAL ASSEMBLY Speer-Williams Sputinik sPUTNICK SPUTNIK SPY SPYING STACHNIO Stalin Stanislav Petrov State of the Nation stealth B-2 Spirit STEPHEN KARGANOVIC Stephen Kinzer Stephen Lendman Steve Pieczenik STEVE PIECZENIK: Steve Robertson Steven MacMillan STONE STORM CLOUDS GATHERING STRAGE DI PIAZZA FONTANA PROVENIVA DALLE BASI NATO» Strategic Culture Strategic Maneuvers STRATTON strike STRYKER submarino ARA San Juan Submarinos nucleares SUMMIT Sunagawa SUOMI support his Health condition support his work Suspicious US Outbreaks SVENSKA Sweden SWEDISH SYLVAIN LAFOREST Syria t T.J. COLES T.V. SOONG TAIPINGS Taiwan TAKEHON TALIANO TASS Tavolo della Pace Val di Cecina Tecnologia 5G TED RALL TEREHOV Terrorismo the The American Insider The Anti-Media The British Royal Family The Chimera of Democracy The City of London the coming storm The deeper state The Duran The Economic Boycott of 1933 The Emergence The FBI The Financial Times The Financial Times's Interview with President Putin THE HAMMER AND THE DANCE THE INFINITE WAR THE INTERCEPT The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany The Jewish Hasbara The Jewish Hasbara in All its Glory The Jewish Origin The Khazar Jews’ Plan THE MEASURE OF A NATION The Most Dangerous Religion The Next American Revolution? The Next American Revolution? Anticipated Civil Unrest The Non-Imperial Empire The Pathology of American Competition The Power Behind the Throne The Response The Right-Wing Brain The Rise of the Police State The Rockefeller Foundation The Rockeffeler Foundation The Rockfeller Foundation THE SAKER THE SCREAM OF THE SLAVES SILENCED By NGOs AT THE HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL The Theology of Elections The Theology of Politics the true activist The US in Korea THE US IN VIETNAM The WHO – Depopulation is Reality The World of Biological Warfare The World’s Safest Cities THERAPEOFJUSTICE Thierry Meyssan Thierry Meyssan. Syria Third Presidential Debate TIANANMEN SQUARE REVISITED TIBET PROVINCE Tik-Tok Tik-Tok and WeChat Tillerson TNP Treaty To White House Puppet Master tom dispatch TOM ELEY Tom Engelhardt Tom Feeley TOM JOAD Tomas Pueyo Tomasz Čukernik TomDispatch TOMGRAM Tony Blair Tony Cartalucci torna il Trattato di Nanchino torture Trabalho e Roubo Salarial TRADE WAR TRUCE TRAIÇÃO DOS JUDEUS TRATADO DE VERSALHES Tratado ONU Tratatto ONU Trattato Open Skies TRE LIBRI CONTRO LA GUERRA trees TROVAN True Activist trump TRUMP ENTRE A GUERRA E A PAZ Trump Tra Guerra e Pace Trump's impeachment TRUTH TSUKANOVA TTIP Tucker Carlson Tukish Tulsi Gabbard TUR TURCHIA TURKEY Turkish TURQUIA Turquish Twitter TYLER DURDEN UCRANIA Ucrânia Udo Ulfkotte UE UITNODIGING VOOR HET INTERNATIONALE CONGRES VANWEGE HET 70e JUBILEUM VAN DE NAVO UK Ukraine Ukraine Biden Ukraine provocation Ukrainian and Russian View on the Kursk Invasion Ukrainian Deserter Ukrainian Provocatian Un cambio de lugar de encuentro Un Messaggio di Larry Romannoff Un Mondo senza guerre UNDERSTANDING UNDERSTANDING CHINA UNIÃO EUROPEIA Union of Concerned Scientists UNITED BASES OF AMERICA UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES Universal Public Surveillance UNIVERSIDADE DE HARVARD UNRISTRECTED WARFARE Update April 2024 US bases in Greece US Bird Flu US CORPORATE AND INSTITUTIONAL EXECUTIVES CRIMINALLY INSANE US Domestic Projects and Experiments US Economic Statistics: “Unreliable Numbers” US ELECTIONS US Foreign Deployment US HEALTH CARE US HEGEMO US HEGEMONY US imperialism US JOURNALISTS KILLED BY USA US MARINES US Military US NAO WAR AGENDA US NATO AGENDA US NATO War US NATO War Agenda US NGOs USA USA bases in Greece USA Criminally Insane USA ELECTION USA ELECTIONS USA Hegemony USA sanctions USA USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS USA/NATO USA/NATO Bases uso militar uso militare vaccin vacina vacinas VALDAI VALDAI DISCUSSION CLUB MEETING Valentin Vasilescu VALORES CULTURAIS Van AUKEN VANDERBILT VASILESCU Vault 7 Venezuela Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity VETERANS VETERANS TODAY VETERNAS TODAY Victory Day video video interview VIDEO. videos VIETNAM VETERANS Viktor Mikhin VITALY CHURKIN VITOR LIMA VÍTOR LIMA Vladimir Brovkin Vladimir Chizhov Vladimir Danilov VLADIMIR KOZIN VLADIMIR PUTIN Vladimir Safronkov Vladimir Terehov VLTCHEK VOA VOICE OF AMERICA Volume 1 Volume One Votos de Feliz 2020 VT Waking Times WALTER LIPPMAN WANTA war Warsaw Washingtons blog WAVES WAYNE MADSEN Weapons of Mass Destruction WENDY WOLFSON – KEN LEVY West Bank WESTBERG Western AI is Entirely Jewish Westmoreland What do you think about China What part will your country play in World War III? wheel of misfortune WHITEHEAD WHITNEY WEB Whitney Webb WHO IS A JEW WIKILEAKS Wikispooks William Barr William Blum WILPF Wladimir Putin WOODS world beyond war world cup 2018 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION WORLD MAP OF PRIVATISATION Wright Brothers Wuhan WWII WWIII XI JIMPING Xi Jinping XINGIANG Xinjiang XUE FENG Yameen Khan Yanis Varoufakis YEMEN YOUNG HERO Youssef A. Khaddour Yuan Yugoslavia ZAKHAROVA ZÉ GERALDO Zelensky ZEROHEDGE Zhang Wenhong ZIKA ZIONISM -- THE HIDDEN TIRANNY ZUESSE Волны ОБРАЩЕНИЕ К ПРЕЗИДЕНТАМ ПРИГЛАШЕНИЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНУЮ КОНВЕНЦИЮ ПОСВЯЩЕННУЮ 70й ГОДОВЩИНЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ НАТО РУССКИЙ рябь и всплески СРПСКИ 中国1959年的饥荒 关于新冠病毒未解释的事情 国际会议邀请 北约成立70周年纪念日 宣传、媒体和行动中的阴谋 拉里•罗曼诺夫访谈录 波浪,涟漪和波涛 王位背后的权力 简体中文 美国-世界上的恶霸 美国例外论